Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hungry? Satisfy your Sweet Tooth!

'How do you satisfy a man in the kitchen? Pour sprinkles and chocolate sauce all over him!'

Photographer Michael Craft knows that two of the things we crave the most, two of the things we think about, dream about, lust about. Two of the things we love to taste and devour are mouthwatering, decadent and ooey, gooey good! Michael combines both, smooth hot men and creamy sugary goodness together in his new book 'Sweet Tooth'.

Who doesn't want a little eye candy when satisfying your sweet tooth? Who doesn't like a little naked skin to go with their vanilla and caramel? Sweet Tooth combines naked men with a delicious array of recipes to turn them on. And hell, if they don't bite, you've got the baked goods right at devour! Michael's new book was a labor of love, from selecting the 27 sexy models to taste, eat and later up in the sexy desserts they pose with.

Check out and order more about Sweet Tooth HERE:

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